Dom João VI
Dom João VI of Portugal was king of the united kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarve from 1816 to 1822. Since 1825 was the King of Portugal until his death in 1826. By the treaty of Rio de Janeiro in 1825, which recognized the independence of Brazil from the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarve, Dom João VI was also Emperor of Brazil (for over a year as a result of his death in 1826), although his son Dom Pedro I, was the emperor of Brazil in reality. Under his reign, there were created numerous institutions and services that sedimented national autonomy, He is considered by many researchers the true mastermind of the modern Brazilian state. Nonetheless, today is one of the more cartoonish characters of Portuguese and Brazilian history, being accused of laziness, lack of political acumen and constant indecision, but according to the most recent historiography, in most cases this picture is unfair and does not match the truth of the facts.